
AI criticizes Israeli investigation into freedom flotilla

500125 Afran
London, June 16, IRNA – Amnesty International criticized Israeli decision on holding a domestic and unilateral investigation into attack against freedom flotilla and said that such an investigation will not be transparent and independent.

In a statement issued on Tuesday afternoon, Amnesty International said that the proposed investigation by Israel would not have transparency and it is unlikely that it could guarantee necessary research about death of 9 peace activists who died during attack against flotilla which were carrying humanitarian aids for Gaza on May 31, 2010.
Israeli cabinet has approved establishment of a 3-person investigation commission. Two international observers will also attend the commission to investigate into Israeli military attack against relief flotilla for Gaza Strip which lead to killing and wounding a group of international activists.
Director of Middle Eastern and North African section of the Amnesty International Malcolm Smart said that the commission form is regrettable and it does not seem to be an independent commission or would act transparently enough. Possibly, important and vital information will not be given to the two international observers and the achievement of the investigation will not be used for pursuing elements of attack.
He added that Chief Minister of Northern Ireland David Trimble and former magistrate of Canada Military Court Ken Watkin, who are appointed as two international observers, will just attend the discussion meetings and the sensitive information, which might endanger Israeli national security or foreign relations would not be handed to them.
Smart said it is not clear that how much of existing information and documents about invasion would be at disposal of the commission members.
Emphasizing that the commission findings should not be used for legal prosecution is specifically a worrying issue. The issue will ruin the possibility of putting on trial the perpetrators for violating human rights and international laws.
The Amnesty International, at the end of its statement, called for a prompt and reliable international investigation into attack against relief flotilla for Gaza and murdering of 9 peace activists and said that members of such commission should be totally impartial and expert in their work and Israeli government should cooperate completely with the commission.

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