
Gaza protesters hack website of UK’s leading Zionist paper

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London, June 11, IRNA – The website of the Jewish Chronicle was replaced Friday morning by a ‘virtual protest’ against the continuing siege of Gaza following last week’s Israeli massacre and seizure of humanitarian relief boats in international waters.

Hackers pledged that efforts led by the Gaza Freedom Movement to break Israel’s three-year blockade of Gaza will continue when IRNA tried to access the site of Britain’s leading Zionist paper on the day of its weekly publication.
The protest comes after the online news service of Jewish Chronicle was hit by a massive denial-of-service (DoS) attack last week, when its managing editor Richard Burton confirmed that the site was often hacked.
“We are a target and it is part of our security policy that we understand people want to stop the Jewish voice. It was probably an attempt to silence us on a controversial subject,” Burton said.
He admitted that the military attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla was “a PR disaster for Israel” but insisted that the news service was “not a mouthpiece for the Israeli government.”
In January, police were called in to investigate the posting of pro-Palestinian messages on the website when its news service was suspended for 16 hours.
During the assault on the humanitarian relief ships, Israel cut all communications and confiscated footage, while there were also reports of websites jammed and both Twitter and Google search engine of being censored to try to limit the backlash against Israel.

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