
Mottaki talks to OIC Sec Gen on new Israeli criminal act

50096 ARAN
Tehran, June 1, IRNA – IRI Foreign Minister here Monday night talked on phone with OIC secretary general over recent Israeli criminal act of attacking in international waters a sea peace caravan killing over a dozen.

The international flotilla of some 700 peace activists was aimed at breaking the over three year long inhumane siege of the Gaza Strip.
According to IRNA, the Information and Media Head Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported late Monday night that both sides strongly condemned the Zionist regime’s inhumane move.
Manouchehr Mottaki who is in Japan now informed the OIC Secretary General Akmaleddin Ehsanoqlou of Iran’s request for an emergency OIC meeting to survey the catastrophe.
Ehsanoqlou, too, said that he would consult the other members about the issue.

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