
US Embassy Adopts Online Visa Application System.


Us Embassy in Banjul is adopting online Visa application system starting from Monday 3rd May 2010, as it extends to do away with paper-based form, Embassy says. Meanwhile the Embassy would continue to accept the paper-based form for two weeks after going online, the Embassy’s Consular Michael Fitzpatrict told journalists during a press conference.

And commencing Monday May 17th, all US Visa applicants shall make their application via online. The online visa application form would be available on US embassy’s website- “After completing the form, the visa application will submit the form online and the information will be electronically transmitted to the US Embassy,” he disclosed.

Upon submission, he said a confirmation sheet would then be sent to the applicant; then he/she print out confirmation sheet and take it to the standard Chartered Bank for payment as well as receive date for interview. He noted that this system will make the visa application process more efficient, secure and accurate. “Japan has already introduced the system and the people like it, and by the next two months all the US Embassies would start operating online visa,” he pointed.

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