
President's speech in National Nuclear Festival

50038 Afran

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Friday that there is no barrier to Iranian nuclear scientists today in the field of nuclear energy and they can meet related national requirements.

Addressing National Nuclear Festival, President Ahmadinejad said Iranian nation now has reached a point that no power can block their way.

He said thanks God, Iranian nation is the most self-confident nation worldwide.

“Like it or not Iran is now nuclearized and it will remain so in the future. Now it is clear to everybody that nuclear energy is a pure and cheep energy,” he said.

Once Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant is operation it will be significant for the country in terms of energy saving, he said.

The total cost of fuel used for the power plant is USD60 million, which is a cheap energy, and friendly to the environment, he added.

The main reason for ecological changes is use of fossil fuel and nuclear energy is a good substitute for it, he noted.
president: We are against nuclear bomb

President said that Iran is against nuclear bomb and those seeking nuclear bomb are against human logic.

“We believe relations among nations should be based on friendship and no state should be after humiliating nations and dominating them,” he declared.

He went on to say that all should live alongside each other peacefully.

“We consider nuclear bombs against mankind,” he asserted.

He then said, “Those being after nuclear bombs are liars.”

President: Iran to turn into exporter of nuclear technology

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Iran will in the near future turn into an exporter of nuclear technology. He said, thanks to their hard endeavors, Iranian scientists are now

dominating all nuclear fields.

He said, “Today in the field of nuclear energy we have reached the point that no power can impede progress of Iranian nation and their full and peaceful use of the clean and god given


He remarked that Iranian nuclear scientists are now fully competent in nuclear technology and the country is proceeding rapidly towards meeting all country’s needs and properly exploit

nuclear energy capacity.

Congratulating the Iranian nation and all the freedom loving nations worldwide on the new nuclear achievements of the country, President Ahmadinejad said Iran today has gained

considerable achievements and progress in the nuclear domain.

He said, “With the new achievement and without any need to expand Natanz facilities both in< terms of structure and facilities, we can through the new machines supply fuel needed

for six power plants.”

He added that today, Iran is fully competent in fields of nuclear energy with medical, agricultural, industry, health and medicare orientations.

Perhaps, Iran is the only country to be in possession of the whole range of nuclear operations from the zero point to the end, including exploration, yellow cake technology, uranium

enrichment and construction of sophisticated centrifuges, declared the president.

The President said today, the power plants are going to reach the phase of fruition one after another.

President: Iranians are for dialogue, logic

President said that Iran favors dialogue and logic and any threat will make it firmer and more resolved.

President Ahmadinejad said, “Those sitting in the glass palaces, thinking that can dishearten the Iranian nation the least by the language of threat and showing guns, should know that

are mistaken.”

Addressing the ill-wishers of Iranian Islamic establishment and people, President Ahmadinejad said the threats will rather make the great Iranian nation more determined to continue the path.

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