Massive influx of people cross Tunisia's border with Libya

Date 2011/2/24 15:49:07 | Topic: Libya

TUNIS, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- Thousands of people fleeing the violence and insecurity in neighboring Libya are crossing the Tunisian border at the Ras El Jedir cross point some 600 km south of the capital, Tunisian official press agency TAP reported Wednesday.
Around 2,500 people cross the border every 6 minutes, putting a strain on the efforts of the Tunisian Red Crescent to cater for the migrants, some of whom have covered long distances to reach the border, said the report.

Medical and paramedical teams are manning a newly set-up military hospital and the local bus company is providing free transportation to the neighboring city of Ben Guerdane, aided by a number of volunteers who are ferrying the migrants away from the border to avoid congestion, according to the report.

An emergency convoy composed of medicine and foodstuff was dispatched in aid to the Libyan people to Ras El Jedir on Wednesday evening and several hospitals and hostels are preparing to look after the increasing number of Libyan migrants who are fleeing the violence in their country, the report added.

This article comes from AFRAN Study and Research Institute (Africa & Iran)

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